Linlin Fan Therapy, LCSW

The care you deserve

中英文双语心理咨询师 Providing therapy for clients located in CA, NY, and NJ
Client Portal
Offers Telehealth


“the ultimate compliment is to be found and used” -Winnicotte

Linlin Fan, LCSW I am a Mandarin-English speaking psychotherapist, who specializes therapy for individuals across the lifespan. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I have functioned as a psychotherapist in two Top 3 NYC hospitals (Mount Sinai Health and NYU Langone Health ) for the past five years. I have relocated to California and worked in Kaiser Permanente as a therapist. I have had the privilege of working with people over the past 10 years. I have been trained in a variety evidence-based treatment modalities including Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT), psychodynamic, play therapy and structural family therapy. I have specialties in working with patients who have depression, anxiety, complicated grief and traumatic experience. I am certified in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and have completed training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Completed Complicated Grief Treatment Level 2 from Columbia University. I have a MSW degree from New York University with honors and a Bachelor's in Applied Psychology from Beijing Normal University. I am working on my doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania. I have provided more than 5000 therapy hours to children, adolescents and adults for the past ten years. What’s the best feeling in the world? I believe it’s the feeling of being heard and understood. I would like to invite you to join in the therapeutic journey with me to reprocess your past trauma, seek the most effective tailor-made intervention and to be peace with yourself and the whole world. 我是一名中英文双语心理咨询师,荣誉毕业于纽约大学临床社工专业;北京师范大学应用心理以及传播学双学位,现正在宾夕法尼亚大学读临床社工博士。曾在纽约排名前三的西奈山医院(Mount Sinai) 和纽约大学附属医院 (NYU Langone) 以及加州的凯撒医疗 (Kaiser Permanente) 为患者提供心理咨询工作。 我擅长儿童,青少年,家庭的干预工作。也擅长治疗焦虑症,抑郁症,遭遇心理创伤和丧亲丧友之痛的人群。 作为心理咨询师,我曾接受过儿童青少年方向精神分析培训,拥有临床心理咨询时数超过5000小时近十年的治疗经验。获得TF-CBT (创伤-聚焦认知行为治疗)认证以及完成EMDR(眼动脱敏与再加工治疗)和Complicated Grief Treatment(复杂性哀伤第二级)的培训。 世界上最美好的感觉是什么?是被聆听,被懂得的感觉。带着同理心和聆听的耳朵,运用专业知识,邀请您一起探索您的内心世界,擦拭过往伤痕,寻求最合适的治疗方法,成为能与自我和世界和平共处的自己。 咨询语言:普通话,英文 我有这三个州的执照:加州,纽约州,新泽西州 常见问题 收不收保险? 如果您或您家人的公司有Lyra Health员工福利,那么您是有可能享受一定数量的免费心理咨询服务的。我是out of network provider,对于商业保险,我不在保险网络内。您在我这边会需要自己支付全部的服务费用,然后我会在每月底提供服务的收据,大部分保险公司都会报销50-80%左右的费用。您也可以提前询问自己的保险公司,了解一下这样的服务是否可以报销。
Linlin Fan


  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Work Stress
  • Stress
  • Social Anxiety
  • Self Esteem
  • Relationship Issues
  • Coping Skills
  • College Mental Health
  • Burnout
  • Behavioral Issues


  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Trauma Focused CBT (TF-CBT)
  • Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
  • Play Therapy
  • Grief Counseling

Insurance Accepted

  • Lyra


  • Out-of-pocket (45-min session): $200
  • Lyra Health (45-min session): $0